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​Thoughts and Emotions

You will learn or improve on exercise techniques.

Proper form, strength training, cardio circuits will be performed according to your current strength level and physical ability.


Exercise order will be taught. (Joint rotations, light warm-up, stretch, exercise, cool down, stretch.)


Equipment used will most likely be, but not necessarily limed to: dumbbells, medicine balls, kettle bells, exercise balls, body weight.


What you Eat

Your current eating habits will be evaluated and any suggestions on tweaking it so that it will help facilitate improving your health will be made.


Your basal metabolic rate will be determined in order to help you stay within the proper daily calorie range for your age and activity level so your body can use the excess pounds of body fat that you have had in storage.


What you eat can work FOR you, not against you.

Call Stephanie to schedule your free consultation today!


You will be taught stretching techniques that range from "conventional" to the style of Hatha Yoga.


Stretching helps you stay flexible, which is something that is reduced as one ages unless you keep performing the stretches. Plus it can be very relaxing!


"You are only as young as your back is flexible" -Chinese proverb.



Body Composition

You will set goals for yourself and I will help keep you focused and motivated so you can reach them. 


I will help you change thoughts you currently hold against your body and bring them into a more positive, loving light.



We will find your BMI (body mass index), body fat percentage, tape measure body sites to include waist, hip, thigh, etc, and weigh you on a scale. 


It is important to have a baseline in the beginning and track your progress as you go. Going in the 'right direction' can help with the motivation necessary to reach your goals.











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